Les vertus du gel de lin pour les cheveux crépus - Ethnilink

The virtues of linen gel for frizzy hair

Flax gel is a vegetable gel extracted from flax seeds. Known for its softening properties, it has long been used in cosmetics and cooking. But did you know that it is also effective for frizzy hair? Discover in this article the virtues of linen gel for frizzy hair and how to use it!

What is Linseed Gel?

Flaxseed is a plant used to make flaxseed oil. Flaxseed gel, on the other hand, is made from flaxseed oil and has many benefits for natural hair.

Flax seed gel is therefore a natural product obtained by cooking ground flax seeds. It can be used to reduce frizz in afro hair. Flax seed gel also contains omega fatty acids which help to hydrate and condition the hair. In particular, it helps to reduce breakage and to style difficult hair.

The benefits of linen gel for frizzy hair

Flax seed gel has many benefits for frizzy hair. Flaxseeds are a natural source of omega fatty acids, which help to nourish the hair and promote healthy growth. The gel itself is made from ground flax seeds into a fine powder. Mixed with water, it forms a thick, sticky substance that can be applied to hair to help control frizz and add shine.

Flaxseed gel is also an excellent option for those who favor the use of natural products. That's because it's free of harsh chemicals and artificial ingredients, making it a longer-lasting and healthier choice than commercial gels. In addition, flaxseed gel is easy to prepare at home inexpensively, allowing you to achieve optimal results.

Other benefits of flaxseed gel for frizzy hair include:

  • flax gel helps protect your hair from the UV rays of the sun,
  • it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, which can help soothe an itchy scalp;

How to use linen gel on frizzy hair?

Linen gel has different uses in the care of frizzy hair. It can be added to homemade preparations such as creams, milks or hair sprays. You can also use the gel as such, to flatten the hair or define the curls.

If you want to use it as a hair mask, follow the steps below:

  • Start by dividing your hair into four parts, then apply flaxseed gel evenly to each part
  • Use a wide tooth comb to help distribute the gel evenly through your hair
  • Leave the gel on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water

For best results, use Linseed Gel on freshly washed, still damp hair.

How to easily make your own linen gel?

To make your flax gel at home, you will need flax seeds, water and essential oils (optional).

Follow our recipe step by step:

  • Add the flax seeds to a blender and blend them until you get a fine powder. Be careful not to inhale flax seed dust.
  • In a small saucepan, add water over medium heat and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat and slowly add the powdered flax seeds while stirring.
  • Cook the flaxseed mixture for about 15 minutes, or until it thickens. Stir occasionally to prevent the mixture from sticking.
  • Remove from heat and add essential oil if desired.

Allow the gel to cool well before using it.

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Si le gel de lin vous sèche les cheveux, il est préférable d’utiliser une crème activatrice de boucle comme celle d’Eva Grâce.


Le gel de lin assèche mes cheveux


Bonjour, oui c’est possible mais il est préférable si vous souhaitez l’utiliser de cette manière de le mettre dans un vaporisateur pour en faire un spray hydratant quotidien 3/4 d’eau et 1/4 de gel de lin, vous obtiendrez de meilleurs résultats


Bonjour est ce qu il est possible de mettre du gel de lin un peu tout les jours dans les cheveux et de ne rincer qu a l’eau pour avoir des cheveux doux et hydratés sans faire de shampoing ? merci


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