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How to maintain a weaving?

Weaves are a great way to add length and volume to your hair. However, they require maintenance to keep their good looks. How to maintain a weave over time? In this article, we'll look at how to take care of your weave strands to keep them shiny and supple. Follow these simple tips and you'll be able to keep your weave in pristine condition for months.

Maintaining your weaving on a daily basis

If you like extensions, you may have chosen to have a weave installed. You can also find our recommendations for weaving correctly. Here are some tips this time on how to maintain your weave:

How to maintain a synthetic weave?

Synthetic wicks allow you to have access to various and original hairstyles while respecting your budget. If you have a synthetic weave, unfortunately it will not last for several months. Synthetic wicks are not reusable. But you can still maintain them to have a beautiful hairstyle.

To maintain a synthetic weave every day, here are the steps to follow:

  • Gently detangle your locks, using a brush or a wide-toothed comb depending on the texture of your locks
  • Apply a product that will add shine to your weave
  • Before bed, protect your weave with a silk or satin scarf. Tie the hair to avoid the formation of knots
  • A deep treatment of your weave is also essential to keep it healthy and hydrated. You can do this once a week, using a deep conditioner specially designed for synthetic hair. Leave the conditioner on for at least 20 minutes before rinsing it out thoroughly.

How to maintain a natural weave?

Usually human hair is used to make a natural weave. They are of better quality, allow a more natural result but are also more expensive. You should take care of your natural weave like you take care of your own hair:

  • First of all, you should avoid sleeping with your hair wet. Not only would your weave tangle, but you could also develop mildew. Instead, dry your hair before going to bed and tie it up in a loose bun or braid. There is also the wrapping technique which consists of wrapping the hair around the head to prevent it from tangling.
  • Next, be sure to use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your weave, or a soft brush. This will prevent breakage and hair loss. Start at the bottom and work your way up while holding the base of the weave.
  • Third, you need to shampoo and condition your weave regularly. How often you shampoo depends on how oily your scalp is and how much product you use. As a general rule, we recommend shampoo every two weeks and conditioner once a week.

Maintaining your weave over time

Wish you could reuse a weave you've already worn? This is possible if the wick was of good quality and if you took very good care of it.

Also read: How to properly recognize quality locks?

Maintaining the quality of your locks

To maintain your weave over the long term, you will need to follow a simple hair routine

  • Wash your weave regularly, using a mild shampoo and conditioner. You can use a good shampoo and conditioner designed for colored hair. This will extend the life of your weave and prevent it from looking dull. You should also use a leave-in conditioner to keep your locks hydrated and healthy.
  • Avoid using products containing alcohol, as they can dry out the strands and make them brittle.
  • When styling your weave, be sure to use low heat settings and avoid overloading it with product. Excessive styling can damage strands and make them brittle

The best products to take care of your weave

The first thing you can do to maintain your weave is to take care of your scalp. A healthy scalp = healthy hair. Be sure to shampoo and condition your scalp regularly, and if you have dandruff or dryness, use a product specifically designed for these issues. Also avoid overly tight hairstyles that pull on your locks.

In addition to taking care of your scalp, you also need to be gentle with your strands themselves. Be careful when brushing and detangling them, and try not to overdo it with heating products. If you can give your hair a break from time to time, it will definitely be more manageable.

Here is our selection of the best products and tools to maintain your weaving:

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