Bain d’huile pour cheveux crépus : 3 huiles végétales indispensables - Ethnilink

Oil bath for frizzy hair: 3 essential vegetable oils

Zoom in on the multiple benefits of an oil bath for frizzy hair and on the three ideal vegetable oils that we recommend for carrying it out!

Is your hair dull and coarse? It's time for an oil bath! Recommended for dry hair, this nourishing pre-shampoo ritual works wonders on textured hair (frizzy, frizzy or curly).

Why give your Afro hair a hair bath?

The scalp naturally secretes a protective "oil" essential to the health of all hair types: sebum. However, in people with Afro hair, its flow is disturbed by many factors, in particular the spiral constitution of the hair fiber. Result: the hair is dry and vulnerable, prone to breakage.

That’s where oil baths come in! They make up for this lack of sebum by providing the hair with the fatty substances it needs. Performed two to three times a month, they help to restore the lipid film and give the hair a life-saving boost. Your hair will be healthy and shiny!

Which vegetable oils should you choose for your oil bath for frizzy hair?

Coconut oil: repairs damaged and porous hair

Coconut Oil is naturally high in protein and lauric acid, and has great properties for revitalizing porous curly hair. Thanks to its high content of saturated fatty acids, it is one of the rare so-called “penetrating” oils: this means that it acts right to the heart of the hair fibre. It is therefore particularly indicated in the care of brittle and weakened hair.

Avocado oil: protects the hair fiber

Rich in vitamin E and oleic acid, avocado oil has a strong penetrating power which makes it ideal for an oil bath for frizzy hair. It leaves a light film on the surface of the hair which effectively protects against external aggressions and restores tone to curls. This is the miracle treatment for city dwellers with thick hair! Anti-aging oil, rich in nutrients, avocado oil will be the accomplice of your hair but also of your skin, face and body, more reasons to deprive

Castor oil: stimulates growth

Particularly appreciated by afro hair, vegetable castor oil has been a longtime ally in accelerating hair growth. To top it off, it has the particularity of being wetting: like glycerin, it helps trap water inside the hair. In case of alopecia (hair loss), prefer an application from the roots.

Learn more about a routine adapted to your hair type?

Take part in our hair care workshops: personalized workshops where together we define a care routine adapted to your hair type and habits.

1 comment

Besoin de soins davantage à cause cheveux blancs, et méchés 😔


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